Why I have opened the window!

Amerykah has turned a corner and we should all turn with it. I have thoughts ideas and suggestions but I also have patience and desire for us to be whole and one. I have been speaking a lot lately of the human condition and the generations of Black Americans. i will entertain any and all conversation as long as we can be respectful and grown up. Let the healing begin......

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Rear Window Review: The year 2008

I am trying to close out all my 2008 business before midnight and in the midst of that I figured I needed one last post of the year before I start fresh.

This year has brought a lot of changes for me, some good and some bad and some that were both and neither.

In January I did something I had never done before, every year I take a trip to DC for an annual leather convention. I always go with a core group of my ONYX brothers and usually someone else gets all the details and I just purchase here and here and here. But this year I made the arrangements and paid for everything. As a sidebar I met some phine looking men who owned the B& B we stayed at.

Sometime in February my supervisor (who was a real prick) tried to call me out in a meeting. He was really unprofessional and nobody seemed to care. So near the end of the month I gave my notice and bought a one way ticket to Baltimore. (Caution to the wind)

March brought about my goodbye to Chicago and my hello to Baltimore, Maryland. It also brought about my full time relationship to two of the greatest guys in the universe. I also inherited some more family, and for someone from a small family that is always a good thing.

Honestly April – August is a huge blur. I was learning my new city learningmy new family and just getting centered and refocused. It was a great time to just refresh my batteries. It was a perfect time for me to start my new blog, which if you are reading this you have found.

September was my birthday month and that is always a time for celebration. It was also the time I became a lot more political than I had ever been in my life. I picked my favorite politicos and fell in love with Rachel Maddows when she was still subbing for Keith Olbermann.

October brought the realization that I was really talented and I could become a professional writer. Can I just say again that the two hubbies are the best motivators around? Belief you can believe in…..

November- President Elect Barack Hussein Obama (that was enough)

December- I returned to Chicago to say goodbye to my grandmother, to reconnect with old friends and frenemies and even make a few new ones. I also decided to stick around to work on my relationship with my mother.

So here we are as I post this, just a few hours away from the end of 2008. I know there are many people who look forward to the end of a year so they can get to the New Year because they want the old over and done with. But you know all in all 2008 did not treat me so bad at all. Thanks to all who wished me well in my trying times and to those who come around just to “hear” what I have to say. 2009 has already sent me a couple messages that it is going to be bigger and better.

1 comment:

RunningMom said...

I don't even have one husband and you have two? Selfish!


Happy New Year - RunningMom