Due to my computer getting sick ( Never buy a HP notebook, nothing but trouble) my postings will be hit and miss for the foreseeable future. Please bear with me.....
Amerykah has turned a corner and we should all turn with it. I have thoughts ideas and suggestions but I also have patience and desire for us to be whole and one. I have been speaking a lot lately of the human condition and the generations of Black Americans. i will entertain any and all conversation as long as we can be respectful and grown up. Let the healing begin......
Notorious Ponzi scammer Bernie Madoff has been sentenced to the maximum 150 years in prison for the $65 billion fraud that swindled his many devastated victims.
Judge Denny Chin said the sentence was a symbolic one for a crime that showed "extraordinary evil" and "took a staggering human toll."
Madoff, addressing the court in a dark suit, white shirt and black tie for about six minutes, said that when he started the scam, he thought he'd be able to "work my way out." He said he lives in a tormented state and expressed regret of leaving a "legacy of shame" to his family and grandchildren." Madoff said his wife Ruth will make a statement later today.
He maintained that he acted alone, saying, "How do you excuse lying to brother and sons? How do you excuse lying and deceiving a wife who stood by you for 50 years and still stands by you? There is no excuse for that and I don't ask for forgiveness."
He then faced his victims in court and said, "I'm sorry."
When the sentence was read, the courtroom broke out in applause.
TV product pitchman Billy Mays who made such household helpers as Oxi Clean famous passed away today in his
As of yet no cause of death has been determined however Mays was onboard a US Airways flight yesterday that had some trouble when the front tires blew out during the landing at Tampa’s airport. The passengers and crew were banged up but no serious injuries had been reported.
You know who he is; you don’t need a history lesson from me. I am sure that many blogs will post the whole
For me when you say Michael Jackson the first thing that comes to mind is the 1984 Victory tour. As an after thought someone got me a ticket and the circumstances around me and the concert and my nuclear family at the time. But all that melted away when Mike took the stage. For three hours in my life at that time all my troubles melted away and I was just in pure music bliss. While his name and circumstances have changed in the recent past I will always appreciate the man and his talent for those three hours of my life.
At this point only TMZ is reporting that Michael is dead; all the other news outlets have him in a coma. Either way this goes this is how I choose to remember M.J., he’s “Bad”!!!
When M. Night first hit the scene I was really excited. He was a breath of fresh air and his stories were original. That lasted for 3 movies. Then there was a string of WTF movies starting with “The Village” and “The Happening”. So when it was announced that M. would be directing the live action remake of “Avatar The last airbender” an American anime, I was more than a little nervous. When word came out that there was an all white cast to play these Asian characters I was just scared. And even though I still have issues with the casting I have to admit the trailer kind of blew me away!
I’m calling you sissies out!
Ok I am just gonna say it, The gays are getting on my nerves. I know I know your thinking “Hey DJ are you not gay?” Yes I am but I am a gay with common sense, ah these is the difference. It seems I am also a that is not a coward gay.
So several states have decided “Hey we got some real issues going on, if two men or two women want to get married and drive each other fucking crazy who am I to deny them that?” and so many states are passing gay marriage laws or some kind of equivelant. Everybody is getting in on the fun except for
President Obama who has stated in the past he does not believe in gay marriage but he does believe in equality says yes to civil unions or same couple unions or whatever the buzz word is. Personally if it allows me to visit my sick partner in the hospital without a lot of bullshit you can call it booboo kitty fuck! Anyway we have a President who is clearly on our side, much more than the previous one, but clearly he is not moving fast enough for my fellow homosexuals. So they have decided to attack him, and they are boycotting, and doing all kinds of “cutting off your nose to spite your face” type shit.
The ziplock commercial taught is yellow and blue make green but what does yellow and pink make? What the hell do you mean there is going to be a stonewall cocktail party or whatever it is that is gay themed and the power gays that are invited are not going? How fucking crazy are you people, I mean have the poppers fried your brain cells? Excuse my racism but Damn yall is real white!
Where was all this noise and revolt and boycott of the invites to the gays from the Bush White house….oh yeah that is right, yall didn’t get invited to the White House cause nobody gave a fuck about you then. So now that someone has shown you a little attention you have decided to grow a pair? That is so gay!
So to my fellow gays, you want Gay to be the new black and really mean it, you will A) Learn a little fucking patience, people of color still catching hell across the country and the Emancipation proclamation was put into effect back in 1862. The Black Power Movement was 1966-1975 and we are still looking for a level playing field. B) Don’t attack your allies. We were in the dark for over 8 years and now you want to bite the hand that is feeding you cause the vittles are not coming fast enough?
I wish Barack would invite me to the White House, two minutes face time to make my case, Hell yeah I am going!
You crazy sissies! Gay has a long way to go for it gets black, right now it is still very yellow!
Hello Blogland, I am back from my completely unplanned vacation from blogging. When last we blogged I told you that my time was being used to prepare to take on City Hall and this bag “tax” that was being introduced. I am happy to report that while the issue has not been completely dropped the city council recognized that putting this into law was going to be no easy task and there were a lot of holes that needed to be filled.
I also made the local television news and was quoted in the paper. If you want to see me in action (recognizing that only soundbytes get used in these things) you can click here for the video( after the commercial).
As of writing this we are about 5 minutes away from the biggest most confusing scam I have ever seen. TV is switching from analog to digital. Normally I am all for modern tech but I am never for having to have something. You need cable or converter boxes in order to get free telelvison channels. They can’t be broadcast in both analog and digital? And when the digital goes down ( don’t say it can’t happen) what do we do then?
Well good luck everyone, this is generally the point in the sci-fi movie where the machines get the first foothold on society before the big takeover!
In just a few hours is the premiere of the Top Chef spin off show “Top Chef Masters”. Unlike previous incarnations of the show which pits beginners and relative unknowns against one another for a grand prize at the end, this show will feature chef’s that are already considered masters of the craft and will be competing for their favorite charity.
I will miss the series regulars Bear hottie Tom Colicchio and recently nude host Padma Lakshmi but I am willing to give the newbies (so to speak) a chance.
Hosting duties will fall upon food journalist Kelly Choi and judging duties will go to restaurant reviewer Jay Rayner, restaurant critic Gael Greene, and editor in chief of Saveur magazine James Oseland.
Can Bravo capture lighting in a GE microwave twice?