Why I have opened the window!

Amerykah has turned a corner and we should all turn with it. I have thoughts ideas and suggestions but I also have patience and desire for us to be whole and one. I have been speaking a lot lately of the human condition and the generations of Black Americans. i will entertain any and all conversation as long as we can be respectful and grown up. Let the healing begin......

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Momma stop embarrassing me!!!!!

Sometimes you see or read something that just makes your face flush. Well today I was tuning into “The View” when the announcer said one segment would be Sherri explaining how Tracey Morgan was ruining her life. I was going to stick around and watch but Whoopi is out sick again and sadly Joy is not enough to keep me tuned in.

Well even though I didn’t stick around I was a little intrigued to see how race embarrassment and general unfunny man Tracey Morgan was ruining his 30 Rock on screen wife’s life.

It seems that Tracey and Sherri live in the same Upper West Side building and last Wednesday morning while Sherri was at work taping the days View episode Tracey had a small electrical issue in his house. A light bulb in his fish tank blew out and while there was only a small fire which was quickly and easily put out, the smoke set off the apartments sprinkler and began to flood the apartment underneath.

Her son called her to tell her there was water seeping into their apartment thru the ceiling and her first response was “Oh baby get all my hair baby. I can’t live without my hair!”

Sherri has promised to forgive Tracey as long as he pays for the damage (I thought insurance did that?). But will any of us ever be able to forgive the two of them for being them?

1 comment:

Wonder Man said...

those two are just crazy